About Us

We are NAMTA, Northwest Arkansas Music Teachers Association.

We are the local chapter of ASMTAArkansas State Music Teachers Association,

which is affiliated with MTNAMusic Teachers National Association.

Our Story

Northwest Arkansas Music Teachers Association (NAMTA) began in 1991 as a small group of area teachers who met together to form an organization to encourage each other as teachers and to serve the people of northwest Arkansas in the area of music. 

Led by Fran Shuler-Ellis who had recently relocated from Wisconsin where she had been active in the state music teachers organization, this group of teachers held its first meeting March 4, 1991. The group elected officers, commenced writing a mission statement, approved dues at $7.00 per year, and set a date for a spring Mozart Festival. 

Soon after, the Arkansas Music Teachers Association (ASMTA) accepted NAMTA as a local affiliate. 

The teachers of NAMTA have actively provided various avenues for student performance, musical enrichment,  and personal growth in deeper understanding of music through the study of history, theory, and musicianship.  NAMTA currently sponsors the Sonata-Sonatina Celebration in the fall,  the ASMTA regional festival in the spring, and various recitals and events throughout the school year. 

As teachers participating in these events with our students, we have watched our students become challenged and motivated in their commitment  to the study of music.  It has been our joy year after year to view their development and their increased love of music.

2024-2026 Officers

PresidentLaura Wilkins
Vice PresidentTreese Muller
SecretaryBrenda Parker
TreasurerJennifer Burch

Committee Chairpersons

Sonata-Sonatina CelebrationShiloh Jones
Laura Wilkins
Alline Phillips
Alene Astle
Linda Rogers
ASMTA FestivalTreese Muller
Alline Phillips
Linda Rogers
Paul Whitley
ProgramsTreese Muller
Linda Rogers
RecitalsJennifer Burch (North)
Mark Smidt (South)
YearbookShiloh Jones
Yearbook AdsJudy Rownak
MembershipShiloh Jones
Social MediaBroc Hite
HospitalityMolly Klintworth
Amber Van Leeuwen
VolunteersJenny McBride

Past Presidents

William Medley (1994-1996)
Linda Rogers (1996-1998)
Sue Gohn (1998-2000)
Fran Shuler-Ellis (2000-2002)
Mark Smidt (2002-2004)
Alline Fulton (2004-2006)
Mary Gosnell (2006-2008)
Linda Calhoun (2008-2012)
Laura Wilkins (2012-2014)
Linda Rogers (2014-2016)
Dr. Paul Whitley (2016-2018)
Alline F. Phillips (2018-2020)
Brenda Parker (2020-2022)
                                                                                                    Mark Smidt (2022-2024)